Zencargo Market Update: 15th August
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Felixstowe is the UK’s largest container port, handling about four million TEU worth of cargo per year. The strike action at the Port of Felixstowe will bring shortages in the UK’s supply chain.
Felixstowe accommodates more ultra large container vessels than Southampton and London Gateway combined. However, both of the latter ports have berths that can accommodate these vessels.
The strike at Felixstowe could create new opportunities for neighbouring ports as carriers are working on appropriate contingency plans that may potentially see the diversion of vessels to other ports.
Want to find out more? Check out Zencargo’s latest updates on the Port of Felixstowe.
Central China to USA and Europe
North China to USA and Europe
South China to USA and Europe
European Bank Holidays
We anticipate a shortage of availability and the occurrence of delays around the bank holiday periods. Plan ahead and allow extra time for your products to be delivered.
August 15th – Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany*, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain
August 20th – Estonia, Hungary
August 29th – Slovakia
September 1st – Slovakia
September 2nd – Spain*
September 5th – Luxembourg*
September 6th – Bulgaria, Spain*
September 8th – Malta, Spain*
September 15th – Slovakia, Spain*
September 17th – Spain*
September 20th – Germany*
September 21st – Malta
September 22nd – Bulgaria
*Not in all regions
The route ahead
The information that is available in the Weekly Market Update comes from a variety of online sources, partners and our own teams. Click below to learn more about how Zencargo can help make your supply chain your competitive advantage.
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