Zencargo Market Updates
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Read our global updates on the sea, air and road freight markets
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In focus: Lockdowns in China have contributed to an increase in container shippi...
In focus: In 2021, the air freight market grew twice as fast as the ocean market...
In focus: The lockdown in Shanghai has cost global trade $28bn China’s zero-Cov...
Since the end of March, Shanghai has been in either partial or full lockdown: an...
In focus: China’s manufacturing activity fell to its lowest level in April since...
In focus: Shanghai enters its fourth week in lockdown as carriers announce blank...
In focus: Shanghai remains in lockdown causing further disruption in the supply...
In focus: Ocean carriers are preparing to announce blank sailings in response to...
In focus: Normality for port and shipping congestion has been pushed back to 202...
In focus: A full lockdown has been imposed on Shanghai’s Pudong and Puxi airport...
In focus: P&O Ferries pauses its services in a bid to hire new agency staff ...
Last updated: Monday, 16:40pm GMT On Thursday 24th February, Russia invaded Ukra...